Cowichan Valley Amateur Radio Society

Dedicated to supporting community events and emergency communications
Cowichan Valley Amateur Radio repeater


Cowichan Valley Amateur Radio Society (CVARS) is an incorporated Not For Profit group. CVARS is comprised of  amateur radio operators from Ladysmith to the Malahat including Lake Cowichan and the Gulf Islands.

The Society maintains a number of voice repeaters and digipeaters located near Duncan on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

144.39 (APRS), 146.68 pl 141.3, 224.90- pl 141.3, 442.60+ pl 141.3, Packet node - 144.97 - VE7AQW-8 all on Mt Brenton

442.150 pl 141.3 Repeater located at the Duncan hospital.

The CVARS repeater frequency 145.47 pl 127.3 on Mt Sicker is maintained by the Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD)

The 6 Meter repeater is out of service until further notice.


Mount Brenton (VE7AQW)
telemetry and web cams



Emergency Communications

CVARS supports community communications needs and has designed and constructed a fully equipped Communications Trailers.  Emergency radio communications kits are distributed throughout the area. Many of CVARS members support the local regional district.


Community Events Participation

CVARS participated in SWEEPER 2018 a communications training exercise simulating a major ice storm on Vancouver Island.  In 2016 CVARS participated in the Coastal Respsonse Exercise, during the simulation of a 9.0  earthquake on Vancouver Island.  News story & video  We also provide radio communications for local adventure/runs and festivals.


Calendar of Events

See the Calendar/Events link on the top of this page.

Fundraiser For Mt. Brenton

CVARS has created a fundraising page on GoFundMe to rebuild the Power system on Mt Brenton. This is to prevent the failures in power from happening again this winter. All donations through GoFundMe will receive a tax receipt at the time of donation. Donations made directly to CVARS over $25 per year will receive a tax receipt at tax time. All funds go to CVARS.

To date donations have come in from Hams on Vancouver Island using Facebook and directly to the Club. We have also received support from the Cowichan Vally Regional District. The batteries and much of the control system have been purchased and installed. Work is ongoing on these items. Thanks to VE7JHE, VE7FRG and VA7JVA and others for their time up the mountain taking care of this.

Click here for Gofundme link

CVARS relies on donations, occasional grants and member contributions to meet the financial and material needs of the organization. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following organizations:

Government of British Columbia
Chances Cowichan (Duncan Dabber Bingo Society)
Cowichan Valley Regional District
Timber West Forest Company
Mark's Instant Sign Shop
Interstate Batteries
We Go Solar
Royal Bank of Canada
BC Hydro
Anyone can donate to CVARS (see Membership page) or eTransfer to